Bible Believing Christian.

I’m a Bible believing Christian. My videos range from Bible facts to religious news, Bible questions and answers, and Bible prophecy to name a few. The purpose of my ministry is to help people understand the Bible better and prepare for Jesus’ second coming. If this is the kind of content you’re looking for in a channel, subscribe! You won’t be disappointed. God bless!

Early Video Previews

$ 3 Monthly
  • For pledging $3 or more, I will give you early previews of my future YouTube videos if I finish editing and uploading them before my post schedule. They will be posted on my Patreon timeline.

Access to My Lens Posts & Other Posts

$ 5 Monthly
  • For pledging $5 you get the benefit of the previous reward, plus you get access to my lens posts and personal blog feed! I will include messages, updates, pics, etc.

Private YouTube Livestreams

$ 10 Monthly
  • For pledging $10 you get all the benefits of previous rewards, plus you will get access to my monthly YouTube livestreams!

Direct Contact

$ 20 Monthly
  • For pledging $20 you get all the benefits of previous rewards, plus my Skype ID and e-mail address will become visible to you on Patreon so you can contact me directly and not have to wait long for a response.

5 Signs You Are Truly Saved

Are you having doubts about whether or not you are saved? Then this video is for you! In it, I reveal 5 signs you are truly saved according to the Bible.

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